"The Microservices train" made by Roger van de Kimmenade (see my Photos page ) Intro I am a fairly newby within the Microservices world but I have more experience with Service Oriented Architecture, Event Driven Architectures and more. So lately I began to read more about the architecture style of Microservices. In each blog item or news item I come across a new name of a tool/framework. So the idea came to try to make a reference architecture and a toolsheet in which each tool is mapped to that reference architecture. I have come to a state that I can use your help! Which concepts are missing and which tools can I add? Please leave comments. Reference Architecture This is my first go of a kind of hybrid Microservices reference architecture, in which an integration layer is used to expose COTS products and legacy. Tool/framework sheet The next sheet is freely available and contains a list of tools and frameworks, that can be used within the Microservi...
Persoonlijk blog over mijn (werk)ervaringen. Ik ben nieuwsgierig en vind veel dingen interessant en leuk. Daarom ook verschillende hobbies zoals lezen, psychologie, filosofie, cryptos, fotografie, meditatie, tennis, PSV, wandelen, bier, wijn, gezin. Zie ook https://linktr.ee/rvdkimmenade Veel plezier met lezen!