1 - Exposed webservices not WSDL compliant During exposing of a BPM process as a WebService or of a database (WS-AppServer) i ran into the problem that the generated WSDL was nog conform the implementation. So when you run the webservice with a webservice client (for example soapUI) you get a response that is not compliant with the WSDL generated by Cordys BOP4. This can be very ackward when using tools (for example thta generates JAX-WS) to generate the webservice client. In our case the XML response returned could not be binded to the generated Java object. To circumvent this problem we adapted the WSDL file conform the implementation generated by BOP4 (CU9). 2 - Be aware when changing process message names When you change the name of input- and/or output messages of a business process you have to be aware to change the data mapping inside the process and ALSO the mappings that use this process. 3 - Spaces at the end a...
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