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Posts uit juni, 2010 tonen

Cordys BOP4: Some pitfalls

1 - Exposed webservices not WSDL compliant During exposing of a BPM process as a WebService or of a database (WS-AppServer) i ran into the problem that the generated WSDL was nog conform the implementation. So when you run the webservice with a webservice client (for example soapUI) you get a response that is not compliant with the WSDL generated by Cordys BOP4. This can be very ackward when using tools (for example thta generates JAX-WS) to generate the webservice client. In our case the XML response returned could not be binded to the generated Java object. To circumvent this problem we adapted the WSDL file conform the implementation generated by BOP4 (CU9). 2 - Be aware when changing process message names When you change the name of input- and/or output messages of a business process you have to be aware to change the data mapping inside the process and ALSO the mappings that use this process.                 3 - Spaces at the end a...

Cordys BOP4: Anonymous access to webservices

Introduction With the setup using Cordys security an exposed BPM process as a webservice needs authentication. However it is possible to grant "anonymous" access to the service. This blog item shows how this is done. Authentication Within the Cordys framework there are several ways to handle authentication: WebServer - The authentication at the web server (Apache, IIS) (NTLM, Active Directory, or LDAP) and authorisation at the service group. WS-Security - The authentication/authorisation takes place in the service group. Anonymous - No authentication is done and authorisation in the service group. Anonymous user Identity is usually placed in the SOAP header, but for anonymous access this is not needed. The webserver should be configured to allow anonymous access though. Cordys uses the system defined user anonymous when anonymous access is used. The soap request will be executed when the anonymous user is granted. The ACL (Access Control Level) of a service can be s...

Cordys BOP4: Using Cordys Mgt Console on Linux

Problem When I tried to start the Cordys Management Console (CMC) i got a X11 error. Go to your Cordys installation: <CORDYS>/bin and execute ./ I got the following error within my Putty session: Solution Download: XMing * Install XMing on your Windows machine * Configuration Putty, do not forget to save the session. * Start XMing op Windows * Start Putty sessie again Now it works and you can start CMC. Note: It does not work when you do a sudo su -. In this case you first have to:

Cordys: Installation of BOP4 CU9

Introduction This blog shows you how to install a standalone version of the Cordys platform BOP4 (CU9) on Windows. It require a license key, but for others it will give an insight how it is. The installation is divided in two installations. First the so-called Cordys Admin Repository Server (CARS) is installed and then the BOP4. CARS is the repository of Cordys where data is stored about Services, Users, Service containers. Note: <UNPACKCORDYS> is the directory to which you have unzipped the install pack. Installation CARS * Check whether Java 1.6 is on your systems path (I have installed 1.6 update 11) * Check whether msvcm80.dll, msvcp80.dll, msvcr80.dll files are on your system. <Windows installation dir>\ WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_XXX. If they are not you need to download them from Microsoft because they are used. 1 -  Run <UNPACKCORDYS>/CARS-2.4.exe 2 -  Press Next 3 -  Accept License Agreement and press Next 4 -  Fill in the repository ins...