In a test suite I wanted to use a Random value for a soap request, so I defined a Property that is initialized with a random value (see also my previous post on soapui). The next thing that I wanted to do is to use that same Property to check whether an item was correctly inserted into a database. So for example: Property Name: empid Value: ${=(int)(Math.random()*100000000)} step1: soap request ${#TestCase#empid} step2: JDBC request select * from Employees where empid = '${#TestCase#empid}' To my surprise this construction did not work! In fact in the second step the empid property was given a new random number !! I tried several other options, like: Define properties on other level (TestSuite, TestCase, Project) Use a second Property and transfer the first random Property to the second. In this case the transfer is just a transfer of the Groovy script !!?? In the end I got the following solution: Double click on the TestCa...
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